Monday 10 October 2011

Mushroom Ice Cream!!

Yes, you read it right! And if you are a foodie like me who loves mushrooms than this is perfect for fitting in one of your five a day. I do realise that the other ingredients do far outweigh the mushrooms but hey every little bit helps. According to the MorningStarr and Isle of Man website Greeba Farm and Davisons Manx dairy ice cream manufacturer have created a great tasting mushroom ice cream that was recently launched at the Isle of Man Food & Drink Festival and was a complete sell-out! Apparently even the local restaurants want to start serving it in their menus. Did a search on the web and most recipes used the candy cap mushrooms which have a sweet maple syrup like flavour. Davison use the chestnut mushrooms and it's a pity they don't share the recipe on their website. However I shall keep on the look -out for a fungitastic mushroom ice cream recipe to test out and share with you fine folks.


  1. As much as I love mushrooms and ice-cream, I'm not convinced with the two together... I'm up for trying out your mushroomy ice-cream though. :-)

  2. Sugar and cream are magical ingredients that can make anything taste supreme ;0)
